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All the information, documents, materials (collectively, “Materials”) in the Site are made available to the general public free of charge under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0  License and subject to the terms and conditions set out below. 

The Legal Initiative for Sustainable Innovation (LISI) Foundation maintains this website as a courtesy to those who access it (the “Users”). 

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Neither LISI, nor its directors or co-creators assumes any responsibility for any consequence of using the Impact Term Sheet, guidance notes or any other instruments on the website. These documents are prepared for informational purposes only and do not comprise, constitute, or provide personal, specific or individual recommendations or advice of any kind, and do not contain legal or financial advice. LISI can modify them at any time without notice in advance

While care has been taken in the drafting of the Impact Term Sheet (Equity), neither LISI nor any of its contributors owe a duty of care to any party in relation to its preparation (or the preparation of any of the clauses) and neither LISI nor its contributors accept any liability for errors or omissions, nor for any loss incurred by any person relying on or using these clauses or any other person.

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